Our Team

  • Lauren Vilar, LCSW, LCAS

    Lauren Vilar, LCSW, LCAS Therapist

    Lauren is the founder of Go Inward and is passionate about healing PTSD. She is also the owner and therapist at LMV Counseling in Wilmington, NC.

    Lauren’s training for psychedelic assisted therapy include trainings by Fluence Certificate in Psychedelic Therapy & Integration, MAPS MDMA-Assisted Therapy, and Polaris Insight. She was selected as a “vibe patrol” volunteer for the 2023 Psychedelic Science Conference hosted by MAPS in Denver, CO. Her specialties includes trauma-informed care and mindfulness.

    Lauren’s area of special interest is MDMA for the treatment of PTSD.

  • Lisa Layman, LCMHC

    Lisa Layman, LCMHC Therapist

    Lisa brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the team. Her advanced psychedelic assisted therapy training includes the California Institute for Integral Studies and MAPS MDMA training. She is also trained in holotopic breathwork, another avenue for non-ordinary states of consciousness healing. Her focus with clients is to partner with her clients and help them along a transformational journey. Her specialties include working with medication resistant PTSD, Major depressive disorders and sex addiction. She also utilizes EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) as indicated.

    Lisa’s area of special interest is psilocybin for healing mental health.

  • Amy Sawyer, RYT

    Amy Sawyer, Integration Coach

    Amy is passionate about holistic health and wellness. She is an integration guide for clients undergoing ketamine therapy. Amy pulls from her training as a trauma-informed yoga and Reiki practitioner to facilitate the healing process. Amy is currently also working as a psychedelic coach for Mindbloom. She holds space and offers support as clients prepare for, process and integrate their experience. Amy leads our online integration group therapy.